Wednesday 29 July 2009

26 Weeks Babymoon

It took us weeks to plan our Babymoon: it had to be somewhere close (short flight), but not Greece, as it was a secret from my Greek family - something about x-rays, radiation and frying my baby that my aunt said to me, which either 1. Makes her really stupid or 2. Thinks I am really stupid and tried to scare me off planes (can't decide which is worse) -, had to be quiet, require no vaccines and of course sandy beach, sunshine and 5 star service for my pregnant belly.

We found a last minute deal to Fuerteventura, one of the Canary Islands (or Cornwall for my family lol) to the most beautiful giant resort of the island. All the reviews were 5-star about the excellent service, how quiet it was even if it's full (full of Middle Class German families would do me), food delicious, two wonderful pools in between palm trees and of course a massive sandy beach on our feet.

We weren't disappointed, the reviews were right. Away from the loud package holidays’ tourists, our part of the island was the best choice for our Babymoon and the hotel was truly amazing. One thing we missed though. The bloody weather!

OH_MY_GOD. For the first 5 days of our two-week holiday, the sky was full of clouds, the wind was blowing hard enough to make me loose my balance and goose-bumps were my constant attire if I decided to rest by the pool! Forget about swimming, splashing and floating about, it was way too cold, making me think, I could just as well be in Cornwall!

I was devastated, being preggy all I wanted to do is lay on a sun bed, drink watermelon juice and splash about in the clear waters, but no! I had to be indoors, otherwise the wind and cold would tire me out. MIL said we were better off there than in UK where it was raining, but in UK the rain would be free!

We did some nice walks in the palm-tree forest, beach etc, but I was getting tummy stitch pains, back and rib ache, so gave up on that too.

Thankfully, on day 5, the sun came out! Woohoo! Bring on the bikini and my Ice Coffee please! Temperatures rose back to 30-32 degrees with burning sunrays and a cooling breeze (I sound like the weather man). It took me 40-minutes to get in the pool, as the water was still freezing cold from previous days, and spent only 10 minutes in, but that was only the first day of sunshine. After that, swimming, splashing and floating about was what made me happy, took all my pregnancy pains away and I was finally enjoying our Babymoon.

I also got used to been stared at (I was the only pregnant lady on the island it seems) and got spoiled with the extra special attention from the staff (free mocktails, best table in the house, etc) because of my “bambino”.

Now we are back and I want to go on holidays again! It seems those first cloudy days were enough to eat me away and make me want more rest, sun, blue and sand. Maybe a real trip to Cornwall will do me this time.

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