Tuesday 26 May 2009

love your preggy curves; 18 weeks and counting

I am now officially a fatty. With a vanishing waist and the appearance of my first love handles, I am a little curvy lady.

OK, yes I know, “I am not fat, but pregnant”, but try to explain that to my PD at work when she exclaimed, “You were so thin!” whilst looking at my flickr pics and then guiltily trying to cover it up “erm, I meant in this picture, not that you are not now, erm…”

No, she is not rude; she just doesn’t know that I am pregnant yet! Neither does my agency or anyone else I work with.

I find it hard to come out of the baby closet at work. Being a freelancer and not having an HR to back me up, as well as, no work, no payday, I wouldn’t want the pregnancy thing to come in the way in terms of favouring me for jobs.

I can imagine it happening: “should we call Maria for this full-week job? Hmm, maybe not because she might get tired.” Or “aww, she has to have a lunch break because she is pregnant” etc. You know the score.

One day they will realise that my ever-growing body contains another passenger and not fish and chips. And when that happens, it won’t be an issue, since I obviously didn’t make it one.

On a happy note, I have been feeling baby bouncing and dancing for the past two weeks! How exciting! She loves it when I eat sweet things like fruit or honey and I love it more when I can feel her little tiny kicks ;)

Two more weeks to go for the gender scan! Roll on!

Wednesday 6 May 2009

waking up with the birds


Week 15. What a wonderful number. I am almost half way through my pregnancy and closer to the day I discover if I rightly call my bump Ella Ruby Rose (Gender scan booked 11th June). Moreover, I haven’t been sick for ages and the other day I actually felt the proper “butterfly flutter” down my belly, which is amazing news.

However, there is something new on the horizon on this wonderful gestation. Last week a new pattern emerged: Every morning I tend to wake up earlier and earlier than normal. It started last Wednesday when I woke up at a weird 6:30am (my alarm was set for 7:30am) and every day after that I would wake up earlier and earlier, until last morning when I heard the birds singing at an amazing time of 4am!

The thing is I can’t get back to sleep after that, resulting to early lunches and two-hour naps during the day. Then, I will fall asleep on the sofa as soon as Arun puts a film on at 22:00, and then wake up at midnight to brush teeth and go to bed.

This wouldn’t be a problem if I wasn’t working, but I am on a job again tomorrow with a new client and I wouldn’t want to start yawning in the middle of an edit! :p

I am wondering if this is my baby’s way of preparing me of what’s to come when she join us in October. If it is, she is doing a great job so far! Hehe