Friday 27 February 2009

trying to get ready for the trip


Decision made. I am taking my beloved laptop with me tomorrow. DH has been in California for almost a week and I am finally meeting him there. Our little sesame seed and me are travelling Upper Class on the courtesy of DH’s airmiles and I can’t wait!

I booked my complimentary hair appointment at the Lounge’s Salon and I might have a massage too - if I have time (because I am so busy). Food at the lounge’s restaurants is also complimentary. Shame I can’t stuff my face at the oyster bar, or at the wine bar.

On the plane I will be offered champagne (which will be declined oh-so-politely) and meal of my choice. And when I am ready to snooze, they will give me pyjamas and make my bed. I will have lots of newly-released films to enjoy on my private screen and if I don’t like it, I will ask them to read me a story. Joking! but yeah, I don’t know what to expect, Arun is always sent Upper Class and he’s used to it; it’s my first time and I have a feeling it will be the pick of my trip!

Back to the laptop: for the first few days DH will be working, so I’ll have plenty time to kill. Unfortunately San Diego is pretty boring (I hear), and without a car you can’t go far, so laptop will be my saviour! I’ll catch up with birth club, look for jobs, research baby things. I willhave a swimming pool to use, and I will visit a mall and the aquarium but only if I am not feeling poorly. I’ll have to consider I could be sick; pregnancy on top of jet-lug and all.

When his work is done, we will finally drive to San Francisco. J Via coastline and LA, I hope I don’t get travel-sick. But that will be another post for another day.

I better go and do some packing.


Monday 23 February 2009

5 weeks and counting


So it’s certain. I had my second test done yesterday, the one that tells you in your face: You are Pregnant! Yay! I am so excited, filled with the urge to tell everyone I know!

I thought I was too obsessed about TTC but now, I am obsessed with my foetus! If I am not on BC, I am reading pregnancy books, going week by week, discovering how my baby looks like right now and finding out the 101 ways that can go wrong!

Symptoms so far:

  1. Hungry – I am full and full and full and then suddenly… BANG! Extreme starvation! No signs, no warnings! Just an urge to eat anything I find in front of me, otherwise I will die!
  2. Bloated – So bloated. Trying to imagine that this will be my belly in two months because of baby and not wind.
  3. Tummy ache – I have lower abdominal cramps every now and then, mostly at night. I hope it’s normal. My first Dr appointment is in two days…ages still!
  4. Brown spotting - stopped yesterday! Yay!
  5. Sleepy – I am sleepy and tired all the time. 30 minute exercise and I want to go to bed.

It has been decided that we are not telling anyone else (told my sister on my first test) up until we return from our trip in California.

DH flies tomorrow on business there and I am meeting him in LA on Saturday. I will be flying alone and had been a bit worried, but thank goodness for BC forums! The girls reassured me that I have nothing to worry about, except just getting up every hour and stretch, let the blood flow J

Lovely. OMG just thought about the shopping I can do over there! I might even look for maternity wear hehehe

I better go and do my research.
